Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Leadership Training - Be a Follower First to be a Leader

Though some people still believe in the proverb “leaders are born and not made” with leadership skills training programs, it is possible to develop certain leadership qualities. Studies reveal that leaders behave in a certain manner. So you can learn from certain qualities and behavioral traits of a leader and incorporate them in your life. The bottom line is to become a good leader one needs to be a good follower first.

Here is a brief list of the areas one needs to improve in order to develop leadership skills.

Honesty: Leaders are respected for their honesty and ethics. Honesty is the key to earn trust and faith of others. This is one small step you can take in your life. Honesty is not just about speaking the truth, it also means taking responsibility for your own actions especially when the results are not favorable.

Courage: Leaders have the courage to take risk, to break the existing set up and give new directions to his followers in order to achieve a goal. Following the established rules without innovative thinking shows no drive or determination. To become a leader you need to have the courage of crossing barriers and exploring what is beyond. You can practice this by speaking up against what you think is wrong instead of just being a silent watcher.

Passion: Leaders have enthusiasm for doing something new. A leader has passion for his work. You can develop that passion for work by being enthusiastic about the tasks assigned to you.

Commitment: Commitment is a common trait of leaders. You can achieve this quality by practicing commitment to your work, to your team mates as well as family and friends in life. Commitment means hard work and discipline for achieving goals.

Focus: Leaders have strong focus for their goals and they strongly believe in what they can accomplish. By making a good plan and executing it thoroughly, you can build mental strength and focus in you.

Along with these qualities, a leader also has that charisma and ability to win people’s trust and respect. But it does not happen in one day. It takes a long time to develop leadership skills even though you may have the qualities. There are several areas in your personality that you need to work on in order to be a leader. That is what the Jean Houston Foundation in Leadership Training Oregon and Ashland are doing to give a new direction to young aspirants through various leadership training programs.

5. Goal Oriented

Leaders are very focused on the objectives that need to be achieved. They develop a plan and strategy to achieve the objectives. In addition, they will also work to build commitment from the team and rally them to achieve the organization’s goal. When developing leadership skills, start by looking at how goal oriented you are now. Improve upon that behavior.

6. Developing People

Developing people whether by training, coaching or teaching is one of the main traits of a good leader. No one can achieve organization goals alone. The team is needed in order to achieve them. Leaders develop people to build a stronger team so that the organization is effective. Start by developing your own knowledge when developing leadership skills.

7. Prioritize

Leaders do the most urgent and important things first regardless of their interest in them. For them, whatever needs to be done should be completed with the best possible effort. How do you compare with this trait? Do you complete tasks that you are uncomfortable with? Start developing leadership skills in this area by recognizing what are the important tasks to complete.

8. No Public Glory

Leaders understand that at best they will get personal credit for their work. Public glory is not expected. They know whatever achievements made were the results of joint efforts of their team. They share glory and credit with the rest for the work. They know they are only as good as their team. When developing leadership skills, ask yourself this – are you generous enough to share the accomplishments of your unit’s achievements?

Developing leadership skills is a long process. Some people are born with leadership skills. They develop into leaders much faster. Leadership is also your behavior as much as a skill. It is possible to learn leadership skills. Start now and when the opportunity arises, you will be ready.

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