Friday, May 21, 2010

Major Drivers for the Popularity of Online Education all Over the World

Rightly does Felice Nudelman, education director for the New York Times say, “Online education is a really robust area”. Online education is a tool to shape up the dreams of high-prospect careers, a ray to illumine the dark future of many illiterate adults and a boon to boost knowledge as well as expertise. Which factors have contrived together to push online learning along the scale of progress are no longer a matter of wonder. The reasons behind the soaring popularity of online education are as clear as a piece of smooth glass.

Online education is a modern version of distance learning in the internet-driven 21st century. At the initial stages of its journey, it was only a medium of adult education. It hands over the key to the world of literacy in the hands of grown up individuals who lack even basic education. Online learning for adults mainly includes practical training courses to educate them in some practical works so that they can earn daily bread in decent ways. These are basically short-term courses. An attempt to mitigate the problem of unemployment is a major driver for the popularity of online education as adult education.

Online education has also emerged as a means to stand out from the competition among crowds of individuals for success and recognition. To step ahead of others in knowledge and expertise and excellence is a craze with today’s career aspirants. Online learning courses enjoy preference with fresh jobseekers who wish to be academically rich and young working executives who wish to be professionally skilled. Curiosity to know more, brush up skills, stay updated and excel in profession is a driving force behind the rise of online education for career enhancement and professional development.

Online education weighs heavier than campus-based learning in terms of preference when comfort and convenience are a matter of concern with a group of individuals. Professionals who fall like a dead dodo at the end of a day’s toils and moils thumb up online learning based professional career enhancement programs as their first choice to keep themselves updated and presentable. It saves the time, trouble and physical energy that daily up and down to a regular institute and the hours of sitting in classrooms take of individuals. Comfort of studying at home and during irregular hours is what has popularized online education among professionals of all age-groups.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The key ingredients of a Good Recipe for a Good Wife

A house wife is always worried about what to make for the meal. Whether it is a lunch or a breakfast or a dinner, the menu for the meal keep perturbing the wife’s mind. A good wife is well aware of this fact that the way to her man’s heart is through his stomach.
So she always keeps searching for the best recipes for the dishes which are her husband’s all time favorite. After marriage a good wife can not just think about her husband she has to also take care of her parents in law and other people present in her in laws house. To prepare a mouth-watering dish with the help of a good recipe always needs the proper knowledge of the key ingredients for the dish.

Both for the vegetarians and the non-vegetarians the key element for a good recipe is the spice which is used. No dish is complete without a spice. But with the spice, sprinkle of sugar should also be present in the food. Spices along with some onions and ginger will enhance the taste of the meal. The main thing which can be considered as the prime factor of a good recipe is that the amount of oil used should be minimal which will be fair enough to cook the food. The main food items for the vegetarians are chicken, mutton, fish and egg. And all these food items need spice and onions as their key ingredients. The vegetarian dishes like cheese and other food items also require onions and ginger as their key ingredients.